"The night of 22nd April the Bahai Centre was filled over capacity with the children of Mr. Veira who were in Suriname, relatives and friends; they gathered in prayer and meditation to beseech the Blessed Beauty to shower His acceptance and grace on the deceased, and to give strength to John’s wife Ann and all his children and relatives.""
donderdag 29 april 2010
Begrafenis van de heer John Veira op de negende dag van Ridvan
"The night of 22nd April the Bahai Centre was filled over capacity with the children of Mr. Veira who were in Suriname, relatives and friends; they gathered in prayer and meditation to beseech the Blessed Beauty to shower His acceptance and grace on the deceased, and to give strength to John’s wife Ann and all his children and relatives.""
Baha’i Faith in Latin America marks 50th anniversary [BWNS]
maandag 26 april 2010
Interracial Irondequoit couple prevail over apartheid [Rochester Democrat and Chronicle]
Read more
dinsdag 20 april 2010
Bahais will celebrate Ridvan tomorrow [todaynews.in]
Read more
Source: www.todaynews.in
donderdag 15 april 2010
Barring the Baha’is [Iranpresswatch]
Barring the Baha’is
By Faraz Sanei — Researcher, Human Rights Watch — describes how Iran persecutes one of its largest minority groups.
Secret classroom: Photo courtesy Bahai International Community.
Read More @ www.iranpresswatch.org
dinsdag 13 april 2010
Update on third trial session of Iranian Baha'i leaders [BWNS]

GENEVA — Details are emerging from yesterday's court appearance in Tehran of seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders.
The Baha'i International Community has learned that when the prisoners arrived at the court, their families were not allowed to enter, signaling a closed hearing.
Continue reading @ news.bahai.org
Third court session held for Baha'i leaders in Iran [BWNS]

"We know that a session did take place, but we do not have any specific information from reliable sources," said Diane Ala'i, the representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations in Geneva.
"These seven innocent Baha'is will soon enter their third year of imprisonment," she said. "At the very least, they should have been released on bail pending the outcome of the tortuous judicial process they have been subjected to. This is unacceptable in light of international human rights law."
The seven have been held in Tehran's Evin prison since they were arrested in 2008. No court hearing was held until 12 January this year when they appeared in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court and charges were read.
Accusations include espionage, propaganda activities against the Islamic order, and "corruption on earth."
A second court session on 7 February was largely procedural.
The seven defendants are Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mrs. Mahvash Sabet, Mr. Behrouz Tavakkoli, and Mr. Vahid Tizfahm. Mrs. Sabet was arrested on 5 March 2008 and the others on 14 May 2008.
They have categorically denied all the charges.
Source @ news.bahai.org
Iran's treatment of Baha'is criticized at FIU [The Miami Herald]

Read more @ www.miamiherald.com
maandag 12 april 2010
Iranian Baha'i Leaders Trial Session On Monday [Eurasia Review]
Read more @ www.eurasiareview.com
zaterdag 10 april 2010
Langzaam wurgt Iran de bahá’í-gelovige [NRC Handelsblad]

Mensenrechten Teheran onderdrukt grootste religieuze minderheid systematisch; morgen proces
Iran is de bakermat van het bahá’í’-geloof, maar de bahá’í’s mogen van Iran niet bestaan. Het beleid is gericht op hun eliminatie, zegt Loes Bijnen.
Voor het hele artikel zie hier.
Bron: NRC Handelsblad, vrijdag, 09 april 2010
Court date for Iranian Baha'i leaders is 12 April
GENEVA — The Baha'i International Community has learned that there was a miscommunication as to the date of the trial of seven Iranian Baha'i leaders imprisoned in Tehran.
Read original article @ news.bahai.org
vrijdag 9 april 2010
Dutch press release published on www.politics.be
Derde procesdag tegen Iraanse bahá’í-leiders: bezorgdheid blijft
Read @ Politics.bePress release from American Baha'i Community
Next trial session in Iran for Baha'is set for tomorrow
GENEVA — A third session of the court proceedings against seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders is scheduled for tomorrow in Tehran.
It is unknown whether the hearing – scheduled in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court – will be open to families of the defendants and other observers. The first two sessions were closed.
The seven defendants, who have been imprisoned for two years, were responsible for tending to the spiritual and social needs of Iran's 300,000 Baha'is.
In January of this year they were finally presented with formal charges, which include espionage and "corruption on earth" – accusations that they categorically deny.
For more information, see recent news stories at http://news.bahai.org/story/760 and http://news.bahai.org/story/759. For further background and photographs, see http://news.bahai.org/human-rights/iran/iran-update/
From BWNSdonderdag 8 april 2010
Bahá'í monitor april 2010
Met deze nieuwsbrief wil de Nederlandse Bahá'í-gemeenschap u op de hoogte stellen van binnenlandse en internationale ontwikkelingen.

Derde procesdag tegen Iraanse bahá’í-leiders: bezorgdheid blijft

De bahá'ís hebben via hun vertegenwoordigers bij de Verenigde Naties nu en in het verleden hun grote bezorgdheid geuit over de gang van zaken in Iran. Overheden en mensenrechtenorganisaties zijn op de hoogte gesteld. Ook in Nederland heeft de bahá'í-gemeenschap aandacht gevraagd voor de procesgang tegen de zeven bahá'ís in Iran.
Daarnaast hebben Nederlandse wetenschappers, gezagsdragers, vertegenwoordigers van religieuze organisaties en levensbeschouwelijke stromingen en andere sympathisanten een petitie ondertekend. Daarin wordt de regering van Iran gevraagd deze zeven bahá'ís vrij te laten, af te zien van verdere vervolgingen van de bahá’ís, aan hen vrijheid van godsdienst te verlenen en hun mensenrechten te respecteren conform internationale verdragen (www.petitiebahaisiran.nl).
Uit berichten in Iraanse staatsmedia is gebleken dat de aanklacht tegen de bahá'í-leiders luidt: spionage voor Israël; propaganda tegen de islamitische orde; het opzetten van een illegale organisatie; het versturen van geheime documenten naar het buitenland; het verstoren van de veiligheid van het land en ‘corruptie op aarde’. Al deze beschuldigingen zijn door de internationale bahá'í-gemeenschap stelselmatig van de hand gewezen.
De bahá’ís die terechtstaan zijn:
mevrouw Fariba Kamalabadi (47 jaar, psychologe, 3 kinderen);
de heer Jamaloddin Khanjani (76 jaar, ondernemer, 4 kinderen, 6 kleinkinderen);
de heer Afif Naeimi (48 jaar, fabrikant, 2 kinderen);
de heer Saeid Rezaie (52 jaar, landbouwingenieur, 1 kind);
de heer Behrouz Tavakkoli (58 jaar, psycholoog, gehandicaptenzorg, 2 kinderen);
de heer Vahid Tizfahm (36 jaar, opticien, 1 kind);
mevrouw Mahvash Sabet (56 jaar, lerares, schoolhoofd, 2 kinderen).
Achtergrond informatie over de gevangenen is te vinden op http://news.bahai.org/human-rights/iran/iran-update/yaran-profiles.html
PERSBERICHT - Den Haag, 8 april 2010
Struggle fought in hearts - Human rights in Iran

by Randolph Dobbs
Human rights and globalization share a common vocabulary. No matter where people may live in the world they share a vital interest in the basic requirements of liberty, including the right to “freedom of thought, conscience and religion;” the right to “freedom of opinion and expression” and the “right to peaceful assembly and association.” These and 27 other specific freedoms outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were adopted by the United Nations more than 60 years ago.
Read more from www.iranian.com
maandag 5 april 2010
Unstable regimes - Deccan Herald
The Tyranny of Imposition | |
Unstable regimes | |
By B G Verghese | |
The recently resumed trial of hapless Bahai’s in Iran, a small, peaceful community, is symptomatic of the tyranny of unstable regimes that fear their own people. |
read more
zondag 4 april 2010
Easter one of three major religious holidays recently - Muncie Star Press
Easter one of three major religious holidays recently Muncie Star Press Followers of the Bahai faith recently observed their New Year, not with the ball dropping on the ECI equivalent of Times Square, but with a festive family ... en meer » |